Oct 10, 2017 Debbie Crisp’s Retirement Party
After 18 years Debbie Crisp retires from Firland. Everyone at Firland will miss Debbie and especially the Shipping and Part Mark department. Debbie is going to stay busy with her crocheting business activities.
Debbie at her workstation on her last day!!
Sept 9, 2017 Steve Hollar’s Retirement Party (9-11)
Steve retires on his 66th birthday. He worked at Firland for 21 years and is ready to go “Gold Mining”. He recently bought a home in Oregon. We will all miss Steve and his contribution to the Firland workshop. We got Steve a “Pink Hardhat” to help him stay safe from accidents!!
July 27, 2017 Firland sponsors FunFest Bar-B-Q
Firland management and employees provide Bar-B-Q for 500 across the Firland and Fircrest campus. The Firland Employees Activities Committee sponsored our 4rd annual Bar-B-Q for the Fircrest site.